Corporate Profile

1 April, 2019

Komatsu Industries Corp. was incorporated in 1994 separating from Komatsu Ltd. with its press machine business of as long as 90 years experience and technology. Now we are a rare company that produce all metal forming machineries of not only small and large press machines but also of various sheet metal working machines, and we would like to serve you by providing with development, sales, servicing and retrofitting in reforming your production systems. Our aim is an expert company to assist you in miscellaneous needs and productivity improvement by catching evolutionary movement of the age, pursuing advanced technologies and always developing leading machineries.

Komatsu's industrial machinery businesses are pursued linking Komatsu Industries Corp.
with Kanazawa Plant of Komatsu, Ltd.

  • Komatsu Industries Corp

    Komatsu Industries Corp

     • Development and design
     • Sales
     • Service

    of press machines and sheet metal working machines

  • Komatsu, Ltd. Kanazawa Plant

    Komatsu, Ltd. Kanazawa Plant

     • Manufacture
     • Transportation
     • Installation
     • Replenishing and servicing parts manufacture

    of press machines


Company Name
Komatsu Industries Corp.
May 13,1994
1-1 Onomachi-shinmachi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 920-0225, Japan
Hirotada Osari, President and Chief Executive Officer
Main line of Business
 • Design, sales, and service of press machines, Sheet metal machines, and peripheral device associated with them
 • Retrofit
990 million yen
Number of Employees

Major Business Office

  • Head Office

    Head Office
    Kanazawa-shi Ishikawa, Japan
    (In Komatsu Kanazawa Plant)

  • Nagoya Office

    Nagoya Office
    Nagoya-shi Aichi, Japan

  • Techno Innovation Center

    Techno Innovation Center
    Komatsu-shi Ishikawa, Japan
    (In Komatsu Awazu Plant)

[Accruement of ISO 9001and ISO 14001]

  • ISO9001
  • ISO14001
  • Komatsu Industries Corp. acquired a certificate of ISO 9001, and also a certificate of ISO 14001for its Kanazawa operations as an environment-friendly company that save energy and resources. We are devoting to develop eco-friendly product.

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